• Why does mint have a cooling effect? An exclusive investigation by the e=m6 teams

Why does mint have a cooling effect? An exclusive investigation by the e=m6 teams

  • December 2019

In the wake of their last report exploring the most extreme chilli varieties, the teams from e=m6 have returned to Darégal for their next taste adventure, this time based around mint.

Congratulations to our budding scientists: Jules, Diane and Timothé for this refreshing attempt to answer the question: “Why does mint have a cooling effect?”

Over 150 varieties of mint exist and they provide varying degrees of cooling sensations. Peppermint – a hybrid of black mint and green mint – has been grown for several centuries in Milly-la-Forêt. Besides this traditional mint, our mint collection also includes four other varieties: spearmint, chocolate mint, ginger mint and Swiss mint.

So then, where does the cooling power of mint come from? And what makes one mint variety more intense than another?

Mélodie Azun Lopez, Head of Development & Innovation at Darégal revealed the refreshing secrets of mint to our aspiring scientists. The menthol content deep in the leaves varies depending on the variety and tricks the cold receptors on our palate. This aromatic compound fools our nerve cells by convincing them that our mouth feels cooler than it actually is.

Check out the e=m6 programme featuring the gourmet adventures undertaken by Jules, Diane and Timothé and learn everything you always wanted to know about mint and its freshness.”